
There's probably one thing that all plus-size women and their wardrobes have in common. It's the predominance of black clothing. It's funny. Somewhere along the way, we all seem to have bought into the idea that black is SLIMMING - and into the further idea that we needed to be "slimmed" by our clothing. An annoying concept for those of us who LIKE our curves. (And who see the irony in skinny women "enhancing" curves after starving to be slender.) Why can't we all just get along??? LOL. But, there is one thing that women of ALL sizes need in their wardrobe, and that's the perfect little black dress. Why? Because that one garment can take you from your daytime doldrums to your night-time fantasies within seconds.

But I didn't start this article to write all that. I started this article to talk about my favorite topic: the plus size little black dress.

First of all, make sure that you HAVE a few little black dresses on hand, and make sure they're stylish and in good condition. Sometimes we wear them so often, that they've simply lost their pizzazz. If you need one or two new ones, be BOLD and go for a shorter hem or a lower neckline. After all, you can always toss on a great long, dramatic silk scarf (tied at the back of your neck) to create a more appropriate look for the office. When you leave for the day, tie that same scarf sideways around your waste to add an attention-getting extra to your ensemble.

What else can you do to pump up the volume? Here's 8 more tips to get the ball rolling.

1. Stockings. Remember that a simple little black dress can carry a bigger accessory statement. Go for fishnet pantyhose! ... or at least consider a few polka dots or a classy seam up the back.

2. Shoes. Okay, this is your chance to give yourself a REAL lift. The great thing about a basic black is that you can add almost ANY signature color to your accessories. Just make sure that you create a symphony of color - and not chaos. If your shoes are red, your scarf should feature the same shade too. You get the picture.

3. Think about a hat. Same reason. A basic black outfit can carry those amazing extras that a print or plaid might not. Just keep the chapeau to the same level of classiness.

4. Go for the gusto with ONE big signature piece of jewelry, instead of an ensemble.

5. Follow 7th Avenue's latest craze and add a vibrant, colored trench over your little black dress!

6. Add a zipper! If you've seen anything in the media about fashion recently, you've probably noticed that exterior, exposed zippers are jazzing it up all over the place. Want to make a strong statement with little effort? Use double-sided tape to put a long faux zipper up the back of your dress - or hey - up the FRONT would be amazing! (Just remember, it will only get you through the night!) Remember to actually SEW the zipper in place if you love the look!

7. Got an old dress that you're ready to replace? Add a few inches of lace at the bottom and at the neckline and save it for your next special occasion. Lace might be too dressy for the office, but it is always a go at weddings and christenings.

8. Finally, #8 (which is actually #10, if you've been keeping count!). It's all in the bag! Okay, I try NOT to talk about bags in every accessory column - just because it's so obvious, but for the perfect little black dress, we simply CAN'T overlook the bag. In this case, you don't need to spend a TON of money either. Hit the local thrift store and look for the most amazing little handbag you can find - or the boldest. Remember, the great thing about the basic plus size little black dress is that it can make a BIG statement with just a LITTLE effort.


For a Plus Size Girl, weddings and proms can be a frustrating event. Not only are the latest and greatest fashions, displayed on a size 2 manikin, they do not have the same appeal when you try them on in a size 14 and up.

Statistics show, that six out of every 10 women are considered Plus Size, and many of these girls, are just big frames, not really a large size at all. But when they go shopping in the regular malls, they will find dresses that are geared for much smaller and lighter framed girls.

Plus size stores have started popping up around the cities, as the retailers see that there is a need, but still many of the styles do not flatter the plus size girl. Girls start crash dieting to try and fit in with the norm, or squeeze themselves into dresses that just don't fit.

If you eat well, and exercise your body, and you are a size 14, then that is your size. Stop looking at the scale and use a tape measure only. Measure yourself properly, do not suck everything in to look an inch smaller, take you actual measurement, and then head for stores that will find a dress that will fit you.

You do not want to be fainting on your wedding day, or when dancing with your boyfriend at your prom, you want to remember it, and have a good time. One of the best ways to look gorgeous on your wedding day, or prom date, is to find a dress that fits all of your curves. It doesn't pull in one place, and bulge out another. If you wear a dress that is too small, you will actually look chunkier than if you get a dress that fits you well.

There are so many great styles out there now, designers are sharpening their pencils and coming up with some really hot looks, and you are not limited to the local mall for your plus size prom dresses and wedding dresses. Start taking a good look at some online stores. The internet is a huge shopping mall, and there are some great sites that cater to the plus size girl, and all of her curves.

Get the right style and size of dress and you will stand tall, look slimmer and feel like a million bucks. Get the size tag out of your head, and use it as a guide only for your measurements, then just go by the fit, and not the number.
plus size prom dresses


I went into my closet the other day and realized that it's almost time for the new spring fashions to hit the stores. Now I have to admit, while I sometimes still worry about looking too big, I have always celebrated the end of the winter wardrobe. I have just never been comfortable hidden under ten layers of clothing and locked inside heavy woolen fabrics. Every year, around the end of January, I start pining to feel the air against my bare arms and the sun warming my face. I count the days until I can hang my puffy down winter coat, wrapped carefully in a burgundy garment bag, in the back of my coat closet and leave my mismatched gloves in the farthest corner of my lowest drawer.

Spring is my season. I love the pastel colors and the scent of things blooming around me. So for me, finding a few great retailers that carry great looking clothes in my plus size is just part of my annual wardrobe renewal. And quite simply, I don't want to be patronized as a "big girl" and forced to wear styles that are - well, style-less. I want to find a few favorite places that I know will always have some great ensembles and where my plus size won't cause some saleswoman to look me up and down and roll her eyes. (Yes, it still happens.)

Like everywhere that we hand our "hard earned" cash over to, none of us want to be without grace or appreciation. And that goes especially for intimate purchases - like clothing. There's no feeling better (or worse) than walking out of the dressing room and seeing yourself in that outfit you just couldn't resist. For the plus size woman, the right salesperson can definitely influence which way that experience will go.

For me, there are three places that I have grown to LOVE as a plus size consumer: Macy's, Nordstrom's, and for my online purchases, Sealed with a Kiss Designs, swakdesigns.com . I have to admit, I love the allure of going into a store, walking around all the new things, trying a few things on, and bringing home my number one favorite in a garment bag. I feel like Maria in West Side Story every single time, twirling in front of my full length mirror and reminding myself that I am the hottest size 16 on the block.

But there's definitely a huge convenience factor to online shopping, and SWAK has gone really far to make the process as simple and painless as possible. Not only do they make sure to always have a great new selection to choose from, but they also have their website categorized by ITEM - you can literally click on "plus size little black dress" and find at least a dozen fabulous choices. Plus size camisoles, plus size split skirts - you name it, this company has a category for it. (I've requested that they add a button called "Spring Fling" just for me!)

The bottom line is this - whatever your size, whatever your style, find a few great retailers that you can stick with time and time again. And if you really love the company, take the time to drop them a note and say that, or mention them in your blog if you have one (be sure to send a copy to the CEO's email address). Make sure that if they have an email newsletter that you sign up for it. Going through the effort to actually build a relationship with your purveyor will go a long way when you need them to honor a return that is far past their policy or exchange something for the third time.

Make no mistake, companies WANT to keep their best customers happy - especially in today's economy - so be sure to let them know that you ARE one of their best clients. After all, spring is only three short months away, and there's a snazzy new wardrobe waiting somewhere just for you!


There is a sentence I repeat probably a hundred times a day. I say it to myself, I offer it to my coworkers, and I remind others of its veracity constantly. That sentence is, "Beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes."  For those of you who read this blog regularly, you'll know that owning that idea wasn't always easy – it took some work. And it takes work to help others get there, too. Often, it starts with reminding them that a mere hundred years ago, all the burlesque queens had curves.

Sometimes, that conversation takes on a life of its own and veers into the world of "sexy is as sexy does." The Internet has been a tremendously liberating experience for plus size women, especially when it comes to lingerie – and even the bigger question of sexuality in general. As society grew more and more focused on weight and the ever-present oxymoron that we were all supposed to be thin, it seemed for a while that being a full figured woman almost became something to be ashamed of. We were told to dress in layers – or worse – don't leave the house at all. Certainly, we weren't supposed to be flirtatious and titillating – that belonged solely to the size 6 and under set.

What a lie! Fortunately for me – and beautiful plus size women just like me – there has been a big backlash to the thin lie we've all been force fed. Personally, I want to OWN my beauty every day of my life, and I want to own everything that goes with it. The idea that I should leave my beauty in the kitchen and hide my body once the lights go out is worse than absurd; it's destructive.

I can remember searching for a lace penoir set when my best friend, Carolyn, got married in our early twenties. Carolyn was amazingly beautiful (still is) – so much so that she was voted best looking in our senior yearbook. She was still gorgeous five years later at a size 22 when she got engaged. I knew it, her fiancée knew it, everyone knew it. But apparently Macy's, JCPenney, and all the other lingerie departments in our hometown didn't know it. The only choices they gave were worse than unflattering – they were boring. After many weeks of frustration, the bridal party and I gave up and paid a local seamstress to design and sew a one-of-a-kind, amazingly beautiful sheer silk and lace penoir (with a tiny red heart on the cleavage, just for fun).

With the birth of the online world, we're now privy to endless examples of adorable, sexy, plus sized clothing and lingerie with the click of a mouse. Everything from the simplest French Maid's outfit right down to a leopard print G-string – you ask for it, it's out there.

Working at SWAK Designs has offered me a million opportunities to be part of an exciting and wonderful revolution, and today, I invite you to join me and participate as well. It's a sexual revolution for the new millennium – one where every woman is empowered to dress it up and strut her stuff. If you're a plus size diva, buy yourself something sexy and new to wear in the boudoir and allow yourself (and your partner) some exciting new sizzle in the bedroom (or wherever!). And remember, sexy starts with what's on the inside – but like everywhere in life, a great wardrobe sure doesn't hurt!


Okay, we are all aware of the perception that plus size women should wear BIG accessories to draw attention away from our big bosom or derriere. Thankfully, I'm here to tell you that this is absolutely not true (and more than a little ridiculous). Our nation is changing, and the last frontier of prejudice - being overweight - is finally beginning to fade. Perfectly normal sized women like Jessica Simpson are beginning to say ENOUGH and draw a line in the sand - saying that they are unwilling to be judged by their size. Little did Jessica Simpson realize that she would inspire a huge dialogue around weight, size, and just what constitutes beauty in this country.

So what does this have to do with accessories? Oh, nothing - and everything. My point is that we absolutely do NOT have to wear a huge scarf or carry a big saddle bag to hide behind. We are just FINE with our size. (Here's a secret: make that last statement true for YOU, and the rest of the world will follow suit. And hey, if they don't, well then that's their problem.)

Being okay with your body allows you to make entirely new choices around wardrobes, fashion, and the ever changing accessories that complement it all. For instance, if you have a great vest to wear, there's nothing wrong with wearing it buttoned up with only a plus size camisole underneath and a terrific long strand of pearls either loose or knotted at your neck. OR wear the same vest open over a plus size blouse with a great sequined pin on the lapel. Worried about tucking your blouses in? Add a wide casual dropped belt to the ensemble and toss that fear aside forever! OR wear the belt over the same plus size top bloused over a pair of jeans. Or get really creative and add a cowboy hat and a pair of boots - great with that same vest or a pair of plus size split pants, by the way!

And hey, never underestimate the power of a new pair of shoes and a fabulous handbag to makeover an ensemble or bring it into the next season (can you say espadrilles?). The bottom line is that great accessories can be used to literally multiply your wardrobe. Just two or three belts, a few stylish handbags, and a vest can turn four outfits into a load of different combinations!

For the plus size woman, accessorizing is NOT about hiding. In fact, it's really the opposite. It's about standing out a little in the crowd and adding that special piece of pizzazz to everything we wear. For me, it says that I took the time to look absolutely fabulous in whatever I'm wearing and celebrate my individuality! What's in my collection? On any given day, I might wear the following: A four-inch brass pin of a carousel horse, an antique silk scarf that my grandmother used to hide her hair under when it was set in curlers, a royal blue suede fringed belt, black suede thigh-high boots (a personal fave), a red beret, a burgundy leather backpack purse, and a red leather vest with the words "Sexy Girl" written on the back in metal studs.

Okay, now here's something worth noting. I have had ALL of those items in my wardrobe for at least ten years. So did they get used to death? Not even close. I didn't start featuring these great pieces until about a year ago, when I woke up one day and got tired of worrying about my weight, wishing I were thin, and basically putting my BEAUTY on hold until tomorrow. Like Jessica Simpson, I finally drew a line in the sand and said enough! I am here this moment, and my beauty is not up for debate.

And ever since, every single day when I get dressed, I stop for a few moments and think about that one extra piece that will make my outfit pop off the page and say, "Look at me, world - I'm fabulous!"


There are key pieces that every Plus Size woman needs to have in her wardrobe and I cannot live without. Now that spring is here, I thought it would be good to get every woman started on the right path in creating their new "spring-fabulous" wardrobe. These wardrobe essentials will help you create a variety of looks that are classy, figure-flattering, and timeless.

1. Foundation Garments: Starting with the proper undergarments is key to having a "Spring-Fabulous" wardrobe. I feel that what you wear under clothes can definitely make or break your outfit. Every Plus Size woman must be sure to have proper fitting bras, panties, shapers, etc. to help smooth out your curves and complete the look you are trying to achieve. I don't leave home without these and particularly love the hide and sleek cami by SPANX.

2. Sexy Wrap Dress: This is a definite must have dress style for every Plus Size woman. Why it's so amazing is because the diagonal part of the wrap works like magic to show off a narrow waist and fakes one for the wider waisted women. The wrap dress is a classic and is super sexy whether in a print or solid, pair it with a sexy pair of open toed heels and you're "Spring-Fabulous." Check out the gorgeous new Anastasia Interchangeable Plus Size Wrap Dress ($89.99). This dress can also be worn as a one-shoulder style which is particularly hot for spring.

3. A-Line Skirt: A Plus Size woman cannot go wrong with A-line! This skirt style is especially great for women who have either a tummy issue or a hip/thigh issue but works well for most figures. When finding the right length in an A-line skirt you want to stay away from styles that hit you mid-calf, it's better to just hit at or below the knee where the leg is the thinnest and shows off the curve of the calf. Try and pick an A-line with a pretty floral pattern that is perfect for spring.

4. Classic Button-Front Shirt: A classic shirt you will reach for again and again. You can't go wrong with this style whether if it's for work, a casual day out and about, or a night out on the town. Long sleeve, short-sleeve, three-quarter sleeve, whatever sleeve, pair it up with a fitted vest or under a light weight sorbet colored cardigan and you are "Spring-Fabulous."

5. Jeans: Whether they are cropped or not, no wardrobe is complete without a great pair of plus size jeans! They can be dressed up or down. Wide-leg trouser style jeans are especially great for the more pear-shaped woman and the "Skinny" jean styles are a great fit for the apple-shaped Plus Size woman. For spring, try out a pair of distressed "Boyfriend Style" jeans for a more casual laid-back look. Whatever style you choose, be sure to save the lighter washes for more casual daytime looks and the darker washes for the dressier night out look.

6. Trench Coat: This is a perfect spring staple! A Trench coat gives an outfit a complete, more polished look. Pick one in a bright spring color or basic khaki. Find one that fits close to your body or that has a tie at the waist for a more figure flattering look. Three-quarter length styles are the most flattering. Be sure to stay away from the styles that have oversized lapels that can be extremely overpowering.

7. Flat Sandals: The foot-friendly flat sandal is a true essential for a "Spring-Fabulous" wardrobe. In addition to embellished, fringed, patent, metallic, and snakeskin print flat sandals, the "gladiator" look is particularly stylish and is worn great with jeans, Bohemian style tops, skirts, and dresses.

8. Romantic Blouse: This blouse should have a romantic feel to it with a lightweight, soft, flowy fabric in a light pastel solid or print. Find a style that has some lace or ruffle detail to make it "Spring-Fabulous." If the blouse is loose enough perhaps try belting it to define your waistline. Pair this blouse with jeans and your flat sandals and you are set.

9. Deep V-Neck Top: Deep V-necklines are a staple in Plus Size women fashions. Wearing a deep v-neck makes the body look longer and leaner and is extremely flattering for a Plus Size figure. If a deep V-neck is not for you, pair it with a lightweight coordinating color cami for a great layered look with a pair of jeans.

10. Hobo Bag: Comfortable hobo style bags in colors such as black, white, beige, metallic, blue, green, orange, and violet are extremely hot this season. Make an impression and carry something bold and bright.


Okay, we've all heard the rumor that plus size women should use BIG accessories to draw attention away from our big bosom or derriere. Thankfully, I'm here to tell you that this is absolutely false (and more than a little ridiculous). Our nation is changing, and the last frontier of prejudice – being overweight – is finally beginning to fade. Perfectly normal sized women like Jessica Simpson are beginning to say ENOUGH and draw a line in the sand – saying that they are unwilling to be judged by their size. Little did Jessica Simpson realize that she would inspire a huge dialogue around weight, size, and just what constitutes beauty in this country.

So what does this have to do with accessories? Oh, nothing – and everything. My point is that we absolutely do NOT have to wear a huge scarf or carry a big saddle bag to hide behind. We are just FINE with our size. (Here's a secret: Make that last statement true for YOU, and the rest of the world will follow suit. And hey, if they don't, you won't really give a damn.) 

Being okay with your body allows you to make entirely new choices around wardrobes, fashion, and the ever changing accessories that complement it all. For instance, if you have a great vest to wear, there's nothing wrong with wearing it buttoned up with only a plus size camisole underneath and a terrific long strand of pearls either loose or knotted at your neck. OR wear the same vest open over a plus size blouse with a great sequined pin on the lapel. Worried about tucking your blouses in? Add a wide casual dropped belt to the ensemble and toss that fear aside forever! OR wear the belt over the same plus size top bloused over a pair of jeans. Or get really creative and add a cowboy hat and a pair of boots – great with that same vest or a pair of plus size split pants, by the way!

And hey, never underestimate the power of a new pair of shoes and a fab handbag to makeover an ensemble or bring it into the next season (can you say espadrilles?). The bottom line is that great accessories can be used to literally multiply your wardrobe. Just two or three belts, a few stylish handbags, and a vest can turn four outfits into a load of different combinations!

For the plus size woman, accessorizing is NOT about hiding. In fact, it's really the opposite. It's about standing out a little in the crowd and adding that special piece of pizzazz to everything we wear. For me, it says that I took the time to look absolutely fabulous in whatever I'm wearing and celebrate my individuality! What's in my collection? On any given day, I might wear the following: A four-inch brass pin of a carousel horse, an antique silk scarf that my grandmother used to hide her hair under when it was set in curlers, a royal blue suede fringed belt, black suede thigh-high boots (a personal fave), a red beret, a burgundy leather backpack purse, and a red leather vest with the words "Sexy Girl" written on the back in metal studs.

Okay, now here's something worth noting. I have had ALL of those items in my wardrobe for at least ten years. So did they get used to death? Not even close. I didn't start featuring these great pieces until about a year ago, when I woke up one day and got tired of worrying about my weight, wishing I were thin, and basically putting my BEAUTY on hold until tomorrow. Like Jessica Simpson, I finally drew a line in the sand and said enough! I am here this moment, and my beauty is not up for debate.

And ever since, every single day when I get dressed, I stop for a few moments and think about that one extra piece that will make my outfit pop off the page and say, "Look at me, world – I'm fabulous!"

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