The explosion of the plus size fashion industry and plus size modeling industry has the demand for photogenic, size 12-16 models exceeding the current supply. The following guide contains a few general tips to optimize your success in pursuing a career in the industry.
1. Professional photographs certainly aren't required by any agency representing plus size models and shots taken by a friend or family member will suffice till a portfolio is created. Make sure your shots are current, and clean meaning with minimum makeup and natural hair. Include at least one full body shot and make your pictures tasteful. Save the boudoir shots for your honey!
2. A reputable agency will not require money upfront to represent you, however anyone with modeling aspirations must expect to incur some expenses. The creation of a portfolio will include photographer's fee's, possibly stylist, hair and makeup artist fee's. Make sure you're able to shoulder minimal expenses prior to electing to pursue a plus modeling career.
3. Please accept industry standards. 5'8" is the general height requirement in plus and standard size modeling. This standard simply does not vary in high fashion genre's! A few clients, such a Torrid elect to employ girls below 5'8", however they truly are the minority. Clothing is made and preferred to hit the body at a certain point regardless of size. Designer's create samples for 5'8" plus women, thus there's no demand for shorter models.
4. The most effective model is healthy and fit, regardless of size. Crash dieting, yo-yo size changes and poor diet wreck havoc on your health/appearance and frustrate your clients. Consistency is essential in the fashion industry. Maintain your size, places an emphasis on fitness, muscle tone and health. You're proud to be fit, healthy and well-fed, show off that glow you were hired for!
5. Be professional. Modeling is a professional industry, not a lifestyle or status club. You're hired as a commodity and a professional one at that. Arrive to shoots on time, keep phone calls and text messages to a minimum and be willing to work hard. Standing on your feet in often uncomfortable poses for hours on end is hard work! Be prepared to be challenged when entering the industry; happy clients equal a successful model.
6. Avoid self-criticism. A client or design house has a specific look in mind to represent their company prior to your attending a go see. Recognize that often, you may not fit that product, or look. Not getting a gig is not a reflection of a personal defect, it simply means you're best suited elsewhere. Be true to yourself, love yourself and your clients will love you!
7. Focus on fitness. Industry standards for a plus size model range from size 8 to 16, with agencies specializing in plus modeling seeking 12 to 16's. Regardless of size, you will need to be fit and toned. Focus on cardiovascular fitness and core training to improve posture and body fat/muscle ratio. Pilates is a wonderful exercise for elongating muscles and promoting tone. Excessive weight-training can be counter productive, focus on flexibility, cardio and body-weight resistance training. When in doubt, consider employing the services of a personal trainer making sure to express losing excessive weight is not your goal.
With the explosion of the industry, the role of the plus size model is ever increasing and shifting. Remember to speak up. With the majority of American women wearing a size 12 or larger, expressing the need for diversity may be just the key to landing spots previously unseen in local runway shows and magazine editorials. Maintain a positive and enthusiastic attitude and success in plus size modeling will be yours!